Dun-dunna-dunnn! Food gift tags for valentines day, (just tie around your candy), or for every day gifting! See that little avacado tag? It's the drawing from my previous video!Â
I have "Olive you." "You're my butter half." "I'll avacado you anywhere." "Everything is sunny-side up with you." "You add spice to my life." "I'll squeeze you forever."
Visit my "Tags and Cards" section!
#valentinescards #everydaycards #gifttags #candytags #avacado #toast #eggs #olive #peppers #oranges #oliveyou #youremybutterhalf #illavacadoyouanywhere #sunnysideup #youaddspicetomylife #illsqueezeyouforever #socute #lovethem #adorbs #kidsvalentines #love #valentines #buttermytoast