Do you see those two litte hearts in the wreath? Those represent how many angel babies you have.

I have had multiple miscarriages and almost lost my last sweet baby when my water broke at 25 weeks. My first miscarriage I had to go to the emergency room due to the contractions/pain and the 2nd I had to have a D&C. 

All our stories are different. I know many who have had so many miscarriages they stop counting and I know some mamas that have lost full term babies. 

No matter our story, I believe that a pregnancy loss, or losing a full-term baby, should be acknowledged, remembered, and not forgotten. 

After my miscarriages, I decided that I wouldn't wait to announce my next pregnancy. A pregnancy is a pregnancy- no matter how many weeks along. If I had another miscarriage, my family and friends should know- because it matters to me.

Just remember- your story is important. Let's be open to talking about it, so the healing, love, and support can happen. <3

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#miscarriages #angebabies #miraclebabies #pregnancyloss #infantloss #rainbowbabies #healing #love #support #angelbaby #miraclebaby #miscarriage #mybabies #heaven #lovethem #sweetspirits #runningwithangels