When life changed as we knew it a month ago - I started working on this Galilee piece. I knew I wanted a "Jesus Calms The Storm" piece- but I wasn't sure how to go about it. I knew I wanted to provide comfort during these crazy uncertain times. I knew that I wanted a piece that really felt like Christ saw me; saw everyone. I wanted a piece where when you looked at it- you knew that everything would be ok. That He loves me. That He loves you. That He is here to comfort. To calm our inner storm. To provide comfort. To provide unlimited love. To remind us that we aren't alone. I hope and pray all of you stay safe and seek comfort in Him during this time.
#yourkindofbeautiful #seaofgalilee #jesuscalmsthestorm #christcalmsthestorm #galileepainting #digitalwatercolor #calmingthestorm #covid19 #coronavirus2020 #stayhome #staysafe #christarmsopen #jesusarmsopen #Him #jesuschristart #ldsart #thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints